Green – Ashlee Mack

GreenPianist Ashlee Mack releases Green, a new album of quiet piano music on Sawyer Records, which I recorded and mixed last year. The album includes my piece, green is passing, along with music by Ian Mikyska, Eva-Maria Houben, and Marti Epstein. We had a nice time recording last year, with both Ashlee and Jake in town for a few days. I don’t think Ashlee played a single wrong note in the entire session, which not only was amazing to witness but thankfully made the editing easy – we worked around weird noises in the hall more than anything else. It’s certainly an honor that the album is named Green, and it’s kind of cool that this is now the second time this piece has been recorded, in this case without the electronic reverb that was included as part of Jeri-Mae’s recording, Here (and There). It’s also satisfying to me that music I wrote so long ago continues to find resonance.